Monday, March 08, 2010

17 days.. And only 17 days..
Well, for some other bloggers, this may be considered a long period to be away..
But for me, based on the past trend, I would say its quite normal..
On top of spending the last 2 weeks having my semesteral exams,
I attended a farewell party for our senior-former upgrading IC-former president..
The one and only Lee Jia Yao kp..
Well, I think there were just some kinda mixed feelings, which cant be described..
After all, he's already in the army as of monday..
And I don't think we'll get to meet him often anymore..
He was so much a part of our everyday life in SPA, so much a leader and support to us,
that we still feel that we need him even now..
Okay maybe not we, maybe just I..
Because just after party, was the handover ceremony for SPA,
and I was handed over the baton for leading the club.. As its new President..
I know I voted myself, but honestly, I don't know if I'm up for the job..
I just don't want to make the same mistake and continue regretting life..
For once in my life, I felt the need to have an ambition..
Not for myself, but one for this club..
I feel that for the club to have success, I first have to want to have success for it.. If I'm just thinking of leading for the sake of leading, we're never gonna make it in a lifetime.. We will always be us, with no foothold..
For once in my life, I feel like I want success, for the club to be recognize, for the members to feel like their fighting for a noble cause, for them to feel like they didn't follow the wrong person.. For me to lead them all well..

Honestly, thats what I want.. But with so much responsibility coming up.. My ITP, my religion, and school work, fyp and third year modules.. Real hell is just about to start.. Can I face them squarely and live to tell the tale, or will I falter in the face of stress.. I don't want to know.. But I know I want to try..

Cheers everybody, the once-in-a-while blogger, MxFate, signing off..

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